UHT Instructor Training from 16th to 18th July 2021
9:30-12:30 - 14:00-16:00 (CET Paris Time)
- open to all - for students who wish to become an Instructor or not.
Become an Instructor - or upgrade
First level is Associate Instructor and then upgrade to Certified Instructor
You have been 'confined' at home, but improving your life by learning on-line with Master Chia. Now it is time to share the practices by teaching them. When you teach, you learn more yourself, and the chi gets stronger when doing chi kung and meditations with others.
Retreat in your own living room (in English).
Senior Instructor Level 2 Luc Leyton is doing another on-line evaluation class with us on 16th - 18th July 2021 and will be teaching and evaluating, so your Tao teaching career can start.
The class is in English and French and Luc also speaks Dutch. and on ZOOM
To become an Associate Instructor you need a minimum of 6 months Tao practice and to promote from Associate Instructor to Certified Instructor you need 6 months of Associate class experience. So this July class is open to students wishing to become either Associate or Certified Instructors, who have done the Instructor Retreat with Master Chia. It is with Senior Level 2 Instructor Luc Leyton's certifying team and is in English and French. (If restrictions are lifted this can take place in Normandy with ZOOM link from the room where it happens)
To Become an Associate Instructor it is important to start sharing the practices; if you have done the pre-requisite hours, get in touch with us if you are not sure to qualify. UHT has had to change the rules but also the rules are adapted to also take in the many people who have been following the Tao for some time, but who might not have been aiming at instructor training before the world went zoom. It is essential to have done some studying recently and for upgrading to Certified Instructor at least 4 days with Master Chia (on-line is fine) But classes with other instructors count, and if you have done some self-study, let us know about that too. There are non-compulsory case studies to become an AI, ask us for an example as they are useful as a focus to your lessons. There are also case studies to upgrade to CI, but NOT compulsory if you were already an AI before 'covid' changed things. It is not necessary to have done the recent on-line instructor training if other conditions apply to you, so please ask us.
Prices: 390€ for 3 days class. (+35€ certification costs for successful candidates)
( - 10% for Associate Instructors*, full time students or job seekers)
Extra evaluations will be possible after class everyday, get in touch with if you are already an instructor and want to upgrade on a practice.
Learn more with Mantak Chia and accumulate enough knowledge and UHT hours to qualifiy for Instructor evaluation
10th & 11th April 2021: From Stress to Vitality – Awaken your Inner Alchemy
This workshop includes the Inner Alchemy basics of: Inner Smile, Emotional Wisdom, 6 Healing Sounds, Microcosmic Orbit, Heaven & Earth Connection and 5 Elements theory. These foundational practices of Universal Tao will awaken your qi/life-force energy. Explore ways to stay centered and grounded and to cultivate your own life-force - a system of self-mastery. As you practice traditional Taoist methods with Mantak Chia you'll go back to your body wisdom.
Learn to:
Activate the relaxation response in the parasympathetic nervous system
Get rid of the negative emotion and re-establish the emotional stability
Open your Energy Channels - feel more energised
Remove energy blockages and enhance the healthy distribution of Chi
Draw more primordial force from the earth
This is the essence of the Tao practice - bringing you more health, happiness and longevity.
12th - 13th April: Sexual Alchemy – Health through Inner Strength
Learn Iron Shirt too which some say is one of the most important practices to master on the physical plane. It gives grounding and rooting, connecting you to the Earth energy. It allows you to store energy for use in the higher level spiritual practices. Once an ancient martial art, now a health practice - it allows you to develop internal power through external techniques. Tao Yin is a series of exercises which helps to recondition the spine and psoas muscle and facilitates the flow of chi in the meridians. You should improve your grounding techniques to get the most out of the Healing Love class, but you can study Healing Love when you like.
Learn to:
Awaken Your Sexual Alchemy – Healing Love, Self-Cultivation and Couple-Cultivation
Multi-Orgasmic Practices
Unify physical, mental and spiritual health
Improve patterns of physical alignment
Sexual energy is an extremely powerful tool for revitalization and accessing higher spiritual energy. Master Chia reveals the secrets of recycling your life-essence in order to increase longevity, improve your quality of life and love-making. This loving energy really heals and can even be multiplied!
Learn to:
Transform Sexual Energy to Strengthen Your Body, Mind and Spirit
Become a Multi-Orgasmic Man & Woman
Practice Dual- and Self-Cultivation/Harmonious Love-Making
Increase your Creative Power & Wisdom
Balance the Yin & Yang / Combine the Energies of Sex & Love
Use Taoist Techniques for Sexual Healing & Sexual Reflexology
For new students we recommend taking Awaken Your Inner Alchemy and Iron Shirt Chi Kung as preparation for working with your sexual energy.
Tai Chia Workshops
click & go to Tai Chi page
Information on Advanced Dark Room Practices Training with Mantak Chia
Advanced Tao Practices - Dark Room & Pi GU
Advanced Higher Level Inner Alchemy Practices
This series is for those who wish to refine their life force energy and evolve in the Spiritual aspect of the practice. It is traditionally taught by Master Chia as a Darkroom Retreat.
It also includes knowledge about the Pi Gu Fasting Diet - a simple, detoxing light diet paired with special chewing techniques and Qigong exercises.
Pre-requisites: Weeks 1 - 3 | Inner Alchemy Basics, Sexual Alchemy & Fusion 1 to 3
Kan & Li translates as Fire & Water - it involves the alchemical process of steaming and internal coupling - the beginning of the return to the Tao.
Learn to:
Transform Sexual Energy into Spiritual Energy
Harness the energies of Earth - Sun- Moon - Planet Alchemy
Give birth to your soul body
In Greater Kan & Li, we continue the delicate refining process of transforming the pure organ energy and the beginning of the path to Immortality.
Learn to:
Open the heart centre and connect to astral energy
Give birth to your Immortal Spirit Body
Integrate the North Star & Big Dipper into the alchemical process
2022 Dates will be announced later:
Week 6
Greatest Kan & Li
Greatest Kan & Li offers the opportunity to unite with the Tao - achieving true immortality by allowing past and future, Heaven and Earth, to become one.
Learn to:
Collect Cosmic Light at the heart center
Refine your soul and spirit
Draw limitless energy and power from the Cosmos
Week 7
Sealing of the 5 Senses - This is very rarely taught, even in the Tao Garden Dark Room Retreat.
Turning inwards creates strong consciousness with powerful possibilities. By using the combined forces of the the Big Dipper, Planets & Star Alchemy you seal the senses
Learn to:
Strengthen your senses and organs
Transfer your senses to your Energy Body
Delete illusions for an undisturbed view inside

The Year of the Metal Buffalo starts on the 4th February - Solar Time, which is used in Feng Shui & Astrology. Lunar Year is 12th February which is when it is traditionally celebrated.
Daily Schedule:
Workshops are from 8:00 - 14:00 (UK time) with one hour break for lunch.
Each workshop is five hours per day online - LIVE.
Free recorded qigong session (30 minutes) daily: 07:20 – 07:50 (UK)
The workshop is translated into seven languages:
Chinese, French, German, Italian, Romanian, Russian, Spanish)
Instructor Retreat - European Time Zone
Master Chia teaches in English, you can choose to hear French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese or Romanian audio translation when you join the course on ZOOM
Master Chia will be teaching Fusion of the 5 Elements in the summer retreat, this is as often referred to as the ‘cream of meditation practices’ as it is a deeper level of transforming your negative emotions into positive energy, a real emotional de-tox. However you do need to be familiar with the Basic Awakening the Healing Light practices beforehand so please take the opportunity to learn that in May with Master Chia.
Live Energy Transmission with Master Mantak Chia
Mantak Chia is the founder of Universal Healing Tao, a much-loved system of personal cultivation and spiritual development, practiced all over the world. Through Taoist practice, you can learn simple techniques to reduce stress and create harmony and balance in your physical, emotional and spiritual self. Dedicate time to heal yourself and improve your life now. The Tao is simple, yet profound and complete.
Learning from Grandmaster Mantak Chia is a very special experience and many people sense a shift in their own life-force/vitality. We are in a new paradigm in this moment of our time as we embrace the online world fully. Many of you are taking the time to work on personal development - to try something new or something you've always wanted to do. Enjoy this time at home to receive teachings from a true Taoist Master of our lifetime.
Participants will receive an illustrated e-book before the seminar, which will include important terms, graphics of chi kung positions and practices, which will be used during the 4 days.
Awakening The Light of Healing & Wisdom
This workshop includes the Inner Alchemy basics of: Back to the Body Wisdom, Inner Smile, Emotional Wisdom, 6 Healing Sounds, Microcosmic Orbit, Tan Tien/North Star connection and Taoist 5 Elements theory. These foundational practices will awaken your qi/life-force energy. Explore ways to stay centered and grounded and to cultivate your own life-force.
Learn traditional and tested Taoist methods to:
Manage your Emotions ~ release & recycle negative energy
Transform Stress into Vitality
Strengthen your Immune System
Open your Energy Channels
Develop Healing Power through Primordial Chi Kung
Loving Energy that Heals ~ Transform Sexual Energy to Life Force
4-day Advanced Course
Sexual energy provides an extremely powerful means for rejuvenation and accessing a higher spiritual energy. Master Chia unveils how to recycle your life-essence in order to increase longevity, improve your quality of life and love-making. This loving energy really heals.
Learn about:
Transforming Sexual Energy to Strengthen Your Body, Mind & Spirit
Becoming Multi-Orgasmic Man & Woman
Sexual Reflexology
Dual Cultivation/Harmonious Love-Making
The many types of Orgasm for Women & Men
Harmony of Yin & Yang / Combing the Energies of Sex & Love
Ways to Increase your Creative Power & Wisdom
Taoist Techniques for Sexual Healing
Daily Schedule
Central European Time (CET) i.e. France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Denmark etc.
UK & Ireland, Portugal
08:00 – 11:00
12:00 – 14:00

These workshops are open to beginners or those who wish to deepen their practice. No previous experience is necessary. Repeating workshops develops mastery. For new students we recommend taking the ‘Awakening Healing & Wisdom Light’ before the ‘Loving Energy that Heals’.
Each 2-day course will be accredited as 10 hours by Mantak Chia and UHT System
Accredited towards Instructor Training requirements
Accredited towards the Higher Level practices
(Please note for accredited hours, your own name must be registered on the ticket booking)
Online Live Streaming is the new avenue of learning and connecting. Master Chia has already shared many of his teachings online and students have reported feeling energy as they practice, even having their mid-eyebrow open and feeling chi circulate in their microcosmic orbit.
This online global seminar will be live with Master Mantak Chia teaching from Tao Garden and streaming to you in your own home using the platform Zoom. There will be an opportunity to interact and ask questions.
You will be able to follow the class as if you are in the room with him. There will be recordings available afterwards if you are not available for the class times. However, as best you can try to organise your day to the arranged times, as it will help to raise the chi around the planet. We will practice and meditate together. This seminar is structured in a coherent way to guide you layer by layer through the Tao practice.
Master Chia regularly updates his teachings; the basic Taoist practices taught in this year’s winter retreat have advanced from what he taught a few years ago. His meditations and own personal practices have constantly inspired him to present techniques differently and in these classes you will receive the latest version.
Re-source yourself especially in this time of uncertainty and challenge that we are now living in. The Primordial & Cosmic Energy is all around you, you just need to learn how to draw that energy in to build internal chi and support yourself.
It seems that the Universe is pushing us towards on-line learning, so get going with the basic Taoist practices now.
Fusion 1
The Fusion of the 5 Elements Meditation is the next step on the path of Taoist meditation. A traditional Taoist internal alchemy practice, you will learn to take your transformation of negative emotions to the next level to nourish your higher spirit.
Learn to:
Go deeper into the negative emotional energies in your organs
Understand your internal weather patterns
Link your sense organs with their “mother” organs
Neutralize the negative emotions
Crystalize your emotional energy into a “pearl”
Circulate this energy and attract more healing energy from high frequency sources
This is an essential practice for emotional balance in these challenging times.
Prerequisite: Awaken Healing Light or equivalent
Fusion of the 5 Elements II & III
We step it up in Fusion 2 & 3 and begin intensive cultivation of our natural virtues – the Te (or De) spoken of in the Tao Te Ching. With the compassion that we develop, we can open up deeper channels in the body and prepare ourselves energetically for further spiritual and alchemical practices like the Darkroom Experience. These meditation practices can strengthen us on all levels.
You will learn to:
Create the Pearl of Compassion
Open the remaining Extraordinary Vessels that irrigate and regulate the body’s energy (Thrusting, Belt, and Bridge and Regulator Channels)
Create powerful psychic self-protection methods
Prevent burnout
Protect the nervous system, spine, & brain
Safeguard your auric field.
The body is now extremely open to chi circulation with the energetic infrastructure in place for further energy work.
Prerequisite: Fusion I