Master Chia is coming to London 11th - 17th April 2025
More details coming soon
A Taoist Retreat in Central London
World-famous Grand Master Mantak Chia will be in London teaching the Healing Tao system. Over 6 days Master Chia will share the Taoist wisdom and practices that have helped thousands of his students improve their health and happiness. Venue is the Columbia Hotel 95 Lancaster Gate London W2 attendees can ask for 10% discount on hotel room, directly to the hotel but book early.
New to the Tao or wish to deepen your experience? This week in London gives you all the tools you need. We work on taking our bodies back to their basic wisdom, with meditations and chi kung, and using our vibrant core to improve flexibility, sexual vitality, abdominal health and brain power. Train with Grand Master Mantak Chia, feel the CHI and the Violet Light. And learn:
Back to Body Wisdom – Taoist Inner Alchemy Basic Practices.
Fusion of the Five Elements - known as the 'cream' of Taoist practices - together with 5-Element Qigong & Stem Cell Activation Chi Kung. We are combining Inner Alchemy Qigong forms with Fusion Meditations as the Tao believes that physical form and strength aids spiritual. development. Over 4-days, this course is designed to grasp the famous Fusion meditations and includes some specifically chosen moving intervals. Fusion of the Five Elements is very much about the Taoist Five Elements. It includes methods of protection - the Pakua (Bagua) - and emotional de-tox - by 'fusing' our positive and negatives. Also known as Advanced Fusion of Energy, we do this practice for: emotional balance and also for the protection that the Pakua can bring.
After so many on-line lessons, take this opportunity to meet Master Chia in person; learn these powerful ancient techniques so relevant and copied today, with the founder of the system himself, and join-in free guided morning qigong sessions in Hyde Park & other instructor classes from Saturday to Thursday, making this a Taoist retreat in the heart of London.​
Course Programme 2025
Friday 11th April
13:00 – 16:30 A Taste of Tao with our Senior & Local Instructors £30 / £20 Concessions*
Intro to : Taoist Basics, Healing Love, Taoist Astrology
17:30 – 20:30
Experience CHI with Mantak Chia:
The Tao for our minds and bodies, and the
Five Elements (our own 5 elements seen through
astrology and how to enhance them and harmonise
life) £90*​​​
Sat & Sunday 12th & 13th April
10:00 – 16:30 £390*
Back to Body Wisdom:
Inner Alchemy Taoist Basic Practices:
Inner Smile, 6 Healing Sounds and
Microcosmic Orbit

Monday 14th - Thursday 17th April
10:00 – 16:30 (16:00 on Thursday) £750*
Fusion of the Five Elements, with Inner Alchemy Qigong forms: 5 Element Qigong & Stem Cell Activation. Although an advanced practice, a beginner can take this class after the weekend's basics. The weekend's basic classes will include any necessary preparation.
Save with 6-day Saturday - Thursday ticket: £995*
does not include the Friday sessions. Holders of the 6-day ticket can have 10% reduction on booking the Friday classes
Discounts for UHT Instructors and students repeating modules with Master Chia in London or Paris email dates & modules:
* Concessions available to: job-seekers.
Workshops are suitable for students of all levels. However, we recommend you attend the Taoist Basic Practices weekend before taking the Fusion workshop, unless you have are already familiar with the taoist basics. Master Chia personally leads meditations, demonstrates Chi Kung and answers questions from Friday evening. Only the Friday afternoon 'Taste of Tao' is not lead by Master Chia.
Mantak Chia arrives for 17:30 - 20:30 £90*
Experience the Chi with him: 5 Elements and Emotional De-tox
This will be an active class with Master Mantak Chia himself.
Check your own 5-Element energies on our free calculator
Taster Day Friday, 11th April 2025
Intro to Tao with: Short Classes with our Local and Senior Instructors 13:00 - 16:30 £30/25*
subjects: Basics, Healing Love, Inner Alchemy Astrology
Experience the Chi with Mantak Chia
Friday 11th October 17:30 – 20:30
Master Mantak Chia leads this active TAO talk. You will experience some meditation and breathing techniques to engage in back to body wisdom, together with illustrated explanations.

You may have discovered Master Chia through one of his books or online classes or youtube videos now you can train directly with him and feel the energy in the room.
This year's Friday is an introduction to some Tao Basics, Healing Love and Taoist 5 Element Astrology. We will focus on how to take our bodies back to their basic energy wisdom and how to explore our own 5 element energies, to prepare for the Fusion of the 5 Elements class, CHI for healing and immunity and the relevance of the 5 Elements for our healing and health.
Master Chia leading meditation in St John's Church Glastonbury during his 2023 Spring European Tour.
Basic Practices
Microcosmic Orbit, Inner Smile & 6 Healing Sounds
Master Chia will share the three major techniques of the basic practices of his system over two days.
Practical, easy to learn and do - they are the techniques you will use after the course to transform your stress into vitality and improve your mental, physical and emotional life.
The 6 Healing Sounds help to detox and balance our vital organ energy. The Inner Smile is a transforming meditation which tops up our original energy. The Microcosmic Orbit is the natural path for energy to flow in our body: when blocked it is often the cause of illnesses and weaknesses.

Fusion of the Five Elements with 2 Inner Alchemy Qigong forms
The Fusion of the Five Elements 1 represents the first level of a Taoist meditation practice which is also known as Fusion of the 5 elements of the Universe. This is the first big step in Internal Alchemy, a process that allows you to control the energy of your inner universe to facilitate connection with the tremendous energy of the universe located outside of your body.​​
"Fusion 1 is an advanced Inner Alchemy practice. We take all the negative emotions and fuse them together, put in all the positive émotions, fuse them together and then we try to find an energy balance. We have 5 elements inside our body, 5 negative and positive emotions, 5 elements outside our body, 5 elements in the Universe and we learn to feel them one by one. This is the most powerful tool to balance the emotions and delete the negative. » Mantak Chia
Fusion of the Five Elements 1 is the first level of meditation in a Taoist practice also known as Fusion of the Five Elements (or Energies) of the Universe. It is a natural progression from the Basics of Inner Alchemy, it is a process by which you gain control over the energies of your inner universe so that a connection can be made to the tremendous energy of the universe beyond the body.
The Fusion of the 5 Elements Meditation is a traditional Taoist internal alchemy practice, you will learn to take your transformation of negative emotions (into productive positives) to the next level, to nourish your higher spirit.
This is an essential practice for emotional balance in these challenging times.
Read more in Mantak Chia’s books ‘Fusion of the Five Elements'
Inner Alchemy Qigong
We like to combine moving active meditation 'qigong' with our very meditative work. The qigong facilitates t the spiritual work.To continue the series of Inner Alchemy Qigong and for those wishing to certify to teach it, we will be doing 2 forms during these 4 days:
5 Element Qigong &
Stem Cell Activation Qigong
Certification Cursus:
Level 1 Disciplines:
Cranial Sacral Qigong
Stem Cell Activation Qigong -
Wisdom Qiggong
5 Element Qigong
Level 2 disciplines:
Tan Tien Qigong
Tao Yin Qigong
Cosmic Healing Qigong
Golden Elixir Qigong
We will endeavour to present Tao Yin & Cosmic Healing Qigong in 2026 to complete the qigong forms of the 2 levels
With Fusion Learn to:​
Go deeper into the negative emotional energies in your organs
Understand your internal weather patterns
Link your sense organs with their “mother” organs
Neutralize the negative emotions
Crystalize your emotional energy into a “pearl”
Circulate this energy and attract more healing energy from high frequency sources
Form the protective pakuas on your body